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Showing 66–70 of 161 results

Finamul V

Food Ingredients
Finamul V is Medium chain triglyceride which is use in various application like Special Food Preparation, Baby Food, Hospital Nutrition (oral, parenteral), Food for weight control, Sports Food.

Finanox 18

Polymer Additives
Finanox 18 is a secondary antioxidant suitable for polymers.

Finanox 8

Polymer Additives
Finanox 8 is a secondary antioxidant for plastics.

FinaPurge 400

Polymer Additives
FinaPurge 400 is a cleansing and purging additive for plastics processing.

FinaSlip EZY

Polymer Additives
FinaSlip EZY can offer effective torque release properties in PP based caps and closures. FinaSlip EZY has been specially formulated to offer maximized functional benefits with suitable organoleptic properties.

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