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Showing 6–10 of 27 results

Finalux ASR

Polymer Additives
Finalux ASR forms a uniform additive layer on the polymer surface after migration; this additive layer helps to reduce the coefficient of friction. This effectively minimizes scratch width and scratch visibility resulting in excellent antiscratching performance. Finalux ASR can also offer impressive melt flow improvement in polymers such as ABS/SAN, mould release and denesting properties.

Finalux G 101

Coating and Specialty Ingredients
Finalux G 101 is wetting and dispersing agent.

Finalux G 101

Polymer Additives
Finalux G 101 is an excellent wetting additive for pigments/fillers/additives to be incorporated in the plastics. Suitable wetting agent for pigments & fillers in LD/LLD/PP/EVA based colour masterbatches & compounds.

Finalux G 125

Polymer Additives
Finalux G 125 is an effective hydrophilic additive for polypropylene (PP) non-woven fabric & cloth.

Finalux G 140

Polymer Additives
Finalux G 140 is an excellent hydrophobic additive for polypropylene (PP) non-woven fabric & cloth.

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